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Writer's pictureErica Young

Trust God Enough to Surrender

While having a moment with my daughter over whether or not she would take her medicine, God dropped such a revelation in my spirit.

She had been complaining about her nose being stuffy, and I told her about the nasal spray we had at home. After getting home, she reminded me that she needed the nasal spray. At first, I didn’t want to get it because the liquid medicine was more easily accessible and I was being a little lazy. However, I went upstairs and grabbed the nasal spray. When I came downstairs with the medicine, she saw the container and then was unsure because of the possibility of pain. I walked away because I wasn’t going to make her take it. She was upset and asked me to “try it first” to ensure the nasal spray wouldn’t hurt. I explained that I didn’t need the medicine. She finally decided to use the medicine and “do it herself,” which was fine with me. Initially, after using it, she complained that it burned, but shortly after, she was happy and telling me how much better her nose felt and how she could breathe better from both nostrils. She even took the medicine with her to use, as needed.

Sweet Jesus, there is so much in this revelation.

We know there is something wrong, and we know there is help, yet, we refuse, out of fear (regardless of what we argue the real reason is) and stay stagnant, broken, and unchanged. Truth-the process to getting better does hurt. Remember, it’s like surgery (mentally, emotionally, spiritually) and there will be pain associated with the change. In order to remove the negative and replace it with positivity and Christ’s truth, one has to be expecting a process. Unless God decides to miraculously overnight your change, there will be growing pains, learning challenges, and mistakes along the way.

The thing is, we have to START. The longer we prolong the start, the longer the idea of impending pain will linger. But, if we START, and accept that pain will come, we will be okay. It may hurt. There may also be some sleepless nights, tear-filled days, happiness, joy, upset, triumph, and a variety of other things. However, because we surrender to and invite Jesus Christ into this process from pain to purpose, God will be with us and provide peace that surpasses all understanding, even in the midst of the storm. We have to stop saying we want change, yet are unwilling to endure the process (to start the process, let alone endure).

Trust God enough to know that if He is calling you in your brokenness, He knows how to pull you out of the mess, clean you off, and equip you for exactly what He has for you to do.

Be blessed and be a blessing!

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